Jaclyn Rodet, skin care consultant, will help you to achieve your best skin. Consultations may be done via phone, video or in person.  

You will receive a thorough consultation and will know what products and procedures will be best for your skin type.  Jaclyn is not affiliated with any one skincare line.  The products that are suggested are truly picked based on your needs.


Did you know you may be causing wrinkles on yourself?!?  It can happen a number of different ways but one sneaky one that you may not thought of is the repeated use of straws. Can you believe it?


I have had several questions about Jaclyn Rodet consultations. I am going to take just a few moments to answer the most frequent questions that I have gotten. If you have any other questions, please email... 


Let’s talk about that medicine/drawer/cupboard full of unused and unloved skincare products. How did you pick out those products?  Did you pick them up because a friend uses them and raved about it to you?


I've only been doing her recommended new regimen in full for a few weeks, but have already seen a great difference in my skin. My husband has noticed it as well. :) I highly recommend Jaclyn." - Elise

“I had very bad cystic acne on my cheeks and jawline. When I began Jaclyn’s regimen for me, I began to see a difference in my skin after the first day… I felt confident enough to go out without makeup. After three months, my skin was mostly clear, with a pimple here and there. I was diligent in following Jaclyn’s recommendations, and I felt good about my face! Her regimen has helped me clear up my face and feel confident and in control.” Kate